what is health
Health is the most important aspect of our life. It is the balance of our physical, mental, and social being that affects our quality of life. Health does not simply mean the absence of illness, but it is a combination of various aspects that make our life happy and successful.
What is good health
The longstanding definition of health from the World Health Organization (WHO) formulated in 1948 is ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. This was an important definition in that it considered health as something positive rather than an absence of disease.
From best health, intent healthy thoughts, general behavior, its ability to vested energy power, use and conduct to suit capacity can be the identity of being physically, mentally emotionally healthy.
Why is it important to stay healthy-for Health
High physical and mental strength: A healthy person has high physical and mental strength to help him stay active in completing his daily tasks. Protection from diseases: The healthy body is protected from diseases and helps to keep the immune system strong.
How to keep physical
- Eating the right diet
- Drink more water
- exercising regularly
- getting enough sleep
- Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful substances
- getting an annual checkup
- keeping the body moving

benefits from physical health
The ill person is where he or she always was trying to find a moral identity, trying to live in an uncertain and unreliable body, and trying to make the best of their allotted time in a changing world.
- Being physically fit reduces the risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.
- This can prevent fatigue, injury, and illness.
- This helps in managing the challenges of life
- This helps maintain the body over time.
- This increases the fitness level.
- This maintains the energy levels and helps you stay active throughout the day.
- This improves the functioning of the brain.
- It improves breathing and heart function, muscle strength, flexibility, and structural endurance.
Mental health
means that our mental state is stable and positive. It includes stress management, ways to reduce anxiety, positive thinking, and right social relationships. this is very important in our life. The thoughts coming in our mind need to be kept in the right direction.
Social health
Social health means that our social relationships are healthy and happy. It includes whether we live in harmony and support with our family, friends, and community
This is not just a state of being free from disease, but it is a state of harmony and happiness in all aspects of our life. Regular checkups, healthy lifestyle, and positive mindset are important to maintain .
Therefore, should not be associated with just the absence of disease, but with a positive and happy life. We should take care of our physical, mental, and that we can live a happy, positive, and safe life.